Better Relationships, Better Data: Why You Should Be Collecting Information on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression (SOGIE) and How to Do It

Nicholas Oakley, JD & Laura Nagel | September 24 | 1:30-2:30 PM

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

This presentation will cover the “why” and “how” of collecting data on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE) with trafficking survivors. Participants will review the importance of providing clients with the opportunity to discuss SOGIE, emerging practices on how to respectfully ask about this topic, sample SOGIE questionnaires, and common challenges to implementation. Meaningful opportunities to discuss SOGIE and collect data are rare among systems of care. This workshop is based on a multi-year collaborative partnership across three systems – child welfare, juvenile justice, and homeless youth services. In turn, this initiative is founded on the direct input of young people with lived experience. The presenters want to provide other jurisdictions around the country with the opportunity to share in their lessons learned. This session moves beyond basic LGBTQ+ competency training to focus on talking to youth about SOGIE and collecting data on it. The presentation is based on the work of the eQuality Project at the Center for Children & Youth Justice, which has partnered with juvenile courts, child welfare, and homeless youth service providers across Washington state to implement SOGIE data collection. The presentation is interactive and relies on pair and group work to review materials and for discussion. An emphasis is placed on application, so that participant’s leave with a clear idea of how to implement lessons learned once they return from the conference.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explain the importance behind providing youth the opportunity to discuss SOGIE and collecting data from those discussions

·  Identify promising practices for discussing SOGIE with youth and collecting SOGIE data

·  Identify strategies for addressing challenges related to SOGIE data collection

About the Presenters