Posts tagged 19:9:00
An Exotic Upbringing: Developmental Experiences of Children of Exotic Dancers

During this presentation, Sarah will describe finds from her dissertation, which is focused on the developmental experiences of adult children of exotic dancers - a previously unexplored population. Research to date provides insight into a plethora of risks associated with working as an exotic dancer (e.g., drug and alcohol abuse, sexual assault); however, gaps in the literature remain. Specifically, there is a void regarding the intergenerational impacts on children whose mothers are employed as exotic dancers. The available literature suggests that they are exposed, both directly (e.g., unstable housing, low SES) and indirectly (e.g., witnesses to domestic violence, maternal depression), to factors that challenge optimal developmental outcomes. This presentation will provide a description of the shared experiences, developmental risk factors, and intergenerational cycles described by adult research participants. The sample will include approximately 20 adult children of exotic dancers, who will be recruited using word of mouth recruitment and snowball sampling. Data will be collected through short surveys and a semi-structured interview formed through application of phenomenological research methods. Research outcomes are expected to have implications for future research and family programmatic efforts. This research stemmed from Sarah's personal experiences of growing up as the child of an exotic dancer; therefore, she will also be sharing select aspects of her own formative experiences. As the needs and experiences of this population have not yet been investigated, the methodological approach used to explore this hidden population will be outlined, exploring the strengths and limitations of studying the topic as an "insider". Dr. Rochelle Dalla, Professor at University of Lincoln Nebraska-Lincoln, is a contributing author of this presentation.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss common experiences and developmental risk factors for children of exotic dancers

·  Describe intergenerational cycles occurring between exotic dancers and their children

·  Outline methodology in conducting research with this hidden population

·  Share personal select experiences of growing up as the child of an exotic dancer

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Sex Trafficking in Hawaii: The Stories of Survivors

Hawai’i, in 2016, was the last jurisdiction in the United States to pass a state law addressing human trafficking. To date, no sex trafficking case has ever been successfully prosecuted under this law against a sex trafficker in Hawai’i. However, no criminal justice data does not mean that sex trafficking does not exist in Hawai’i. Sex trafficking has been found in every state in the United States, including Hawai’i, and in most countries around the world. The global and national dimensions of sex trafficking have functioned to obscure the unique and intertwined colonization of bodies and land in Hawai’i. This mixed methods study examines in-depth the lived experiences of 22 victims of sex trafficking in Hawai’i. Findings include the challenges faced to change the culture that facilitates the secrecy of child sex trafficking in Hawai’i. The findings of the study will be discussed along with recommendations for services and policies.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the results of a mixed methods study on the lived experiences of 22 victims of sex trafficking in Hawaii

·  Explain the recommendations for services and policies

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Difference between Asian and Domestic Victims

This presentation will introduce the distinct characteristics of Asian sex trafficking victims in the United States. NGO professionals nationwide are facing challenges to reach Asian victims of sex trafficking in massage parlors and other brothels because of their lack of understanding of Asian victims' characteristics. This presentation is aimed to provide the NGO professionals with better understanding of Asian victims to build better outreach programs to combat Asian sex trafficking in the U.S. This presentation will include cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds of both Korean and Chinese women, the difference between Korean and Chinese women, and the distinct characteristics that Asian women have from domestic sex trafficking victims. Finally, the presentation will provide recommendations to strengthen the outreach programs to support Asian women in the commercial sex market in the U.S.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Compare and contrast Korean and Chinese sex trafficking victims.

·  Discuss cultural and socio-economic backgrounds of Chinese and Korean victims

·  Explore differences between Asian and domestic sex trafficking victims

·  Present guidelines to build better outreach and victim assistance programs for Asian victims in commercial sex market in the U.S.

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Educating through Assessment of Emergency Department Healthcare Provider Knowledge of Human Trafficking Indicators and Resources

Human trafficking is a billion dollar industry that trades human capitol obtained through coercion, fraud, or force for commercial gain. Human trafficking has been noted globally, throughout the United States and Toledo, Ohio has been labeled a hub for this activity (Provance, 2010). Literature highlighted that nurses and other healthcare professionals are positioned to identify and help rescue victims. This descriptive study assessed knowledge of indicators or human trafficking and resources to rescue using a 14-item tool, Assessment of Human Trafficking Awareness Survey. Indicators of human trafficking are not well identified by nurses or healthcare providers and knowledge of resources to rescue is inconsistent. Education about human trafficking is critical for nurses and other healthcare professionals and should be included in curriculum and/or required continuing education.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss indicators of human trafficking

·  Describe how assessment of indicators can facilitate identification and rescue

·  Explain educational pathways for improving knowledge of indicators of human trafficking

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Effectiveness of Hamro Abhiyan to Create Mass Awareness

Hamro Abhiyan is a Behavioural Change Communication tool that brings awareness to sensitive issues like the causes of trafficking, its consequences, safety against trafficking, rehabilitation after rescue, and prevention of trafficking through informative edutainment methodology. This program is targeted to people of age 13-35. The impact is measured with the help of questionnaires that the participants of Hamro Abhiyan complete before and after they are involved in the interactive learning activities. Learning with peers or in groups is a proven and effective technique which has been adopted by Hamro Abhiyan that helps to gain knowledge and contributes to positive behavioural changes. Statistics pertaining to incidents of Trafficking in Persons in the past shows the inadequacy of education and awareness. There is a need to reach vulnerable populations with correct messages, knowledge, and information in order to adopt appropriate techniques. The education obtained in a congenial and emotionally attached environment is effective, real, and behavior-changing as compared to the experience of gaining education from other sources. Such types of education need to be exciting and entertaining so that the children, youth, and adolescents adopt it and change their behavior positively and progressively.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe effective ways to sensitize teenagers and youths about human-trafficking

·  Explain how Hamro Abhiyan has enabled 3 Angels Nepal to influence stakeholders to be responsive

·  Discuss what is Hamro Abhiyan and how it is implemented

·  Highlight how it can be implemented in other countries

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Human Trafficking 101

This basic overview of human trafficking is most appropriate for those new to the field. Presenters will focus on both domestic and foreign trafficking as well as labor and sex trafficking. Topics will include the definition of human trafficking, how traffickers recruit, indicators for victim identification, and where and how to report suspected trafficking.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Define human trafficking

·  Explain the basics around how traffickers recruit

·  Describe indicators for victim identification

·  Outline where and how to report suspected trafficking

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Still Not Her Fault: What We've Learned from 10 Years of CATCH Court Data

When CATCH Court began in 2009, it was considered a specialized docket experiment for women ready to exit prostitution. Things began to evolve with the passing of the Ohio Human Trafficking Law in 2012. By 2014, CATCH Court was certified as a specialized docket for victims of human trafficking by the Supreme Court of Ohio. Several academic professionals began to collaboratively evaluate the effectiveness of CATCH Court, and other data interest points. Judge Paul Herbert has been recognized locally, nationally, and globally for his pioneering work. This presentation seeks to both honor a decade worth of work and also highlight lessons learned from the inside. The presenters’ goal is that attendees will grow in their understanding both from their victories, as well as their hard-learned lessons.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe an evolution of understanding about commercial sex and the criminal justice system

·  Provide clear and specific steps for individuals to advocate for a similar specialized docket in their community, as well as specific steps to expand and grow their already existing docket

·  Discuss frankly why and how the health of a multidisciplinary team can impact the participants of the specialized docket, and learn about ways to stay healthy as a team

·  Share honest mistakes and exciting victories of a 10-year-old docket

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