Effects of a Comprehensive Approach to Intervention; Using the Intention to Exit prostitution (IEP) Measure

Lorraine Armenta-Buelna & D'lita Miller | September 10 | 10:15 - 11:15 AM | Room Ingman

This workshop will discuss an intervention program designed to help adults exit a lifestyle of commercial sex or sexual exploitation. Programming for Phenomenal Woman, a court-funded prostitution diversion in Los Angeles County, will be highlighted. Attendees will learn how all of the elements in the intervention program work together. The 10-week Ending The Game coercion resiliency curriculum helps unravel the mind control. Mental health services, drug and alcohol treatment and holistic help heal the body and mind. Individuals are assessed for safety, immediate needs, and shelter. Career development and GED testing helps participants obtain employment. Relationships with survivor-mentors provide the necessary support and encouragement to succeed. Courts serve as a source of external motivation and promote recovery in the program. Graduates of Phenomenal Woman are empowered to elect after-care services including leadership opportunities, trainings and employment.
The preliminary results of a research project examining the program’s effects on improving outcome measures such as recidivism will be presented. Self-reported changes on the IEP including education attainment, housing stability, employment and not engaging in prostitution activities were achieved through collaboration and coordinated services at a drop-in center. An in-depth discussion regarding application of Cimino’s (2013) Intentions to Exit Prostitution Model and Measure to assess readiness and tailor intervention services will follow a review successes in the exit literature. This study addresses the needs of this population and why a comprehensive approach is necessary and most-effective.



1) Gain an understanding of why a comprehensive approach is necessary,

2) Learn the 10 essential elements of such a program and

3) Gain knowledge of the IEP (Intentions to Exit Prostitution) instrument to target interventions and evaluate program effectiveness.

Reference: Cimino, A. N. (2013) Developing and testing a theory of intentions to exit street-level prostitution: A mixed-methods study. Dissertation is available from ProQuest database.

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