Challenges to Combating Human Trafficking in the Commonwealth Caribbean

Jill St. George | September 10 | 10:15 - 11: 15 AM | Room 2591

The Commonwealth Caribbean is far from immune to human trafficking, despite widespread belief amongst the population to the contrary. Many Caribbean islands are designated as source, transit and destination countries. All of the Islands in the region who submit data to the United States Trafficking in Persons report are classified as either Tier 2 or Tier 2 Watch List countries. Legislation is in its infancy, and many countries are in the process of developing a framework for the training of Immigration Officers and Police Officers. However, it is submitted that transplanting legislation from elsewhere is not the answer due to the unique geographical, societal and cultural factors which influence the Caribbean. This presentation seeks to analyze the distinctive problems experienced by small island developing states in combatting human trafficking, and consider alternative methods to assist in the fight against human trafficking in the Commonwealth Caribbean.

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