Crime Victims' Rights and Toolkit Training

Elizabeth Well & Christopher Woeste | September 22 | 1:30 - 2:30 PM | Room 3020

Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center is a statewide 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides free legal assistance to crime victims during the criminal justice process. OCVJC also provides victims’ rights trainings to various professionals who work with crime victims to help them understand and enforce the rights of Ohio’s state and federal crime victims during the criminal justice process. This training will teach participants about crime victims’ rights at all stages of the criminal justice process, including the hospital, investigation, prosecution, and post-conviction.

This presentation will also focus on educating participants on OCVJC’s Crime Victims’ Rights Toolkit, a first-of-its-kind online resource dedicated to helping crime victims and those who advocate for them to understand all rights and other useful information available to Ohio’s state and federal crime victims. This tool can be used to manage advocate cases and create an online forum for interaction between advocates and their clients.

Presentation Objectives:

·         Recognize when victims’ rights issues are implicated in their cases;

·         Identify which victims’ rights are implicated and how to address these rights; and

Describe how to utilize the toolkit to victims and coworkers.

About the Presenter