Prevention Program for Youth Using Art

Nola Theiss | September 21 | 10:15-11:15 AM | Room 2582

This presentation is about a successful program, which reaches students between ages 8 and 18 in summer camps and after school programs. It involves students in learning about how they may become victims of trafficking and how they can avoid it as well. It also shows how everyone is complicit in labor trafficking by purchasing products made by enslaved people. It teaches students how to avoid situations which may lead to becoming entrapped in sex or labor trafficking. It then shows them how art has been an agent of social change for centuries and how they can collaboratively work with other students to produce art with a message, which will then be exhibited to teach others. The presentation will show participants how they can use or adapt the program in their own communities.

Presentation Objectives:

·         Teach participants how to adapt this program for their use

·         Explain how the different parts of this program work together

·         Discuss how collaboration and teamwork can reinforce information presented

·         Encourage participants to appreciate the confidence building aspect of the program as part of the prevention effect

About the Presenter