Saving Our Boys to Save Our Girls

Stefania Agliano | September 22 | 10:15-11:15 AM | Room 3020

Many of the discussions, prevention and intervention programming, and front-line assessments are designed to target either the victim (survivor) of sex trafficking or the buyer by addressing demand through legal interventions or educational programming. While anyone, regardless of gender, can be a trafficker, this workshop is specifically focused on male perpetrators. This workshop provides a holistic view of the circumstances or vulnerabilities that may lead a young man to engage in criminal behaviors inclusive of trafficking, including but not limited to, the mass marketing of hyper-masculinity, socioeconomic inequalities, and institutionalized oppression. By discussing the trafficker as someone needing prevention services we position ourselves on the national level to make systemic changes for young men to enhance their well-being and to potentially save our girls.

Presentation Objectives:

·       Address the circumstances that may lead young men to engage in human trafficking

·       Allow participants to critically reflect further on how they assess trafficking cases and provide a new means of services to explore

About the Presenter