Addressing Slut Shaming Within the System

Crysta Heart, Tamara Simpson, Jay Theden, Juniper Fleming & Zee St. James | September 21 | 4:00-5:00 PM | Room 2592

People use shame to stigmatize and classify social behavior. The presenters are interested in addressing why “slut shaming” is still acceptable within our system. People hear and experience slut shaming from law enforcement used as a tool to dehumanize others; from the rescue industry and health care professionals who should be part of our support system; from a legal system which divides people by class and demographic; and, most surprising, from peers in sex work as part of the whore-archy. In sharing the presenters’ experiences, they hope to identify opportunities for conversations about the harm that slut shaming does within our systems. The presenters feel that awareness of language used is a step towards educating others to be conscious of offensive slut shaming terminology and behavior. Everyone can work to reduce shaming as a tool, and increase constructive interactions in our systems.

Presentation Objectives:

  • Define “slut shaming”
  • Identify user groups of slut shaming
  • Review steps for educating others of the effects using derogatory language has on individuals
  • Increase constructive interactions

About the Presenters