"The Scarlet Road" by Rachel Wotton

Crysta Heart, Faith Lynn & Juniper Fleming | September 22 | 11:30 AM-12:30 PM | Room Ingman

SWOP Michigan would like to present an Indy Sex Worker Film Fest day to showcase a very diverse look at their experiences via a variety of documentaries. Additionally, each of these films has a female director and focuses on sex worker perspective. Their idea is to show each film with time allowed for Q&A following. The Scarlet Road follows the extraordinary work of Australian sex worker, Rachel Wotton, who is impassioned about freedom of sexual expression and the rights of sex workers. She specializes in a long over-looked clientele: people with disability, who are deserving of equal sexual rights and expression. People with a disability have an intrinsic right to sexual expression. This right enables people to develop relationships, have sex, explore and express their sexuality, and achieve intimacy without personal or systemic barriers.

Director: Catherine Scott; Release Date: 11 October 2012 (USA); Runtime: 1 hr 46 min (106 min)

Presentation Objective:

·       Review sex worker experiences via a documentary

About the Presenters