Occupational Therapy, Building Skills for a Success Story: A Survivor’s Journey

Miranda Tippie & JoDee Figueroa | September 21 | 4:00-5:00 PM | Room 2582

Through the story of a survivor of human trafficking, the impact of occupational therapy as a form of innovative treatment will be shared. A journey that includes breaking free from human trafficking, recovering from addiction, addressing and moving past life traumas, and learning how to live a new and successful life will be shared from a survivor and her occupational therapist. The most effective treatment for survivors of human trafficking include treatment involving but not limited to job placement, independent living skills, housing, basic needs being addressed and met, health education, educational opportunities, trauma specific treatment, social skills, and any other needed skill building areas in a person’s life (Johnson, 2012). These areas can be addressed by an occupational therapist from assessment to treatment as part of the team for a holistic approach to sustained success for survivors. Survivors of human trafficking benefit from skill development and according to the occupational therapy practice framework, many areas fall into the scope of practice for occupational therapy, including but not limited to: self-care, financial management, employment, meaningful activity, meal planning and preparation, community mobility, relationship development, problem solving, impulse control, and many other areas (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2014).
Presentation Objectives:

·         Discuss the role of Occupational Therapy in treatment for individuals in human trafficking

·         Explain the holistic view on survivors and how occupational therapy can play a role in recovery

·         Assist participants in developing empathy through the sharing of a survivor’s story

About the Presenters