Connecting Hope and Survival Through Creative Expression

Art Exhibit | September 21-22

This exhibit features the work of poet and survivor, Tary Blair. Beginning at birth and throughout her life, Tary has faced many challenges. She has turned to poetry as a reprieve from abuse, addiction, heartbreak, loss, and multiple attempts at suicide. For this exhibit, Tary worked with a small group of professionals consisting of a master’s level social worker and two graduate social work students who have personal experience in poetry, painting, and photography, respectively. Through a combination of multiple disciplines, Tary’s poetry comes to life for viewers in order to serve as an inspiration for others and portray a picture of hope, encouragement, and survival. Experiencing poetry can be transformative and cathartic, not only for the writer, but for the reader as well. Whether read or listened to, poetry can evoke memories, feelings or experiences that have been untapped in our everyday lives. In “Connecting Hope and Survival Through Creative Expression,” viewers can read poetry and hear directly from the artist via video. It’s said; “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Our hope is that through a thousand words, one will walk away with a picture of hope, strength and survival.

About the Artists

2017Lora Meyersart