Healing and Beyond: Overcoming Powerlessness in the Face of Ritual Abuse
Anneke Lucas | September 20 | 9:45-10:45 am
Topic: Experience | Knowledge Level: Beginner
Anneke Lucas is a survivor of ritual abuse (RA), mind control, and child sex slavery to the global elite. She is an author and public speaker, leading workshops around the world, and counsels privately with other survivors. At age six, Anneke was sold by her mother into an international pedophile ring involving world leaders. Like many victims, she was used in a system of power where children were used for blackmail, as well as indoctrinated in the dark practices of this exclusive group. She received mind control training to be a sex slave to the global elite as a performer. At age 11, she was dramatically rescued from the ring by an insider. Through her experiences at the seat of worldly power, through her long, ongoing healing process, and through service, Anneke developed intricate awareness of power, both on the global and personal level. In this presentation, Anneke will address her 30-plus-year healing journey, the countless times that helplessness and powerlessness were re-experienced in the healing process and the significance of that phase of recovery. Anneke will share how people hearing her story often experience similar, difficult feelings of helplessness and powerlessness, and she will offer a way to use that discomfort as a key for personal growth and empowerment.
Presentation Objectives:
• Describe the experiences of a mind-controlled child sex slave
• Discuss specifics of healing from extreme power abuse
• Explain the discomfort of being confronted with the subject of RA and then used as a way into one’s own healing