What's the Value of a Black Girl?
Crystal Bennett, LMSW | September 20 | 9:45-10:45 am
Topic: Conceptual, Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Human trafficking is a crime that preys on vulnerabilities, and although it cuts across age, ethnicity, race, and socioeconomic status, Black girls have an increased vulnerability to sexual exploitation as a result of racism and systematic oppression. Although Black women and girls make up 13% of the U.S. population, they represent 40% of sex trafficking victims and account for 51% of prostitution arrests. Black girls are oversexualized, dehumanized, and often treated as criminals rather than being allowed to exist in environments which provide hope and healing. We each have a shared responsibility to combat human trafficking. In order to prevent trafficking and work to create environments for survivors to thrive, we must address the root causes of trafficking. Through the use of personal testimony, video clips, and group dialogue, the presenter will lead the audience in exploring the experiences of trafficking and sexual exploitation for Black girls and explore the racial roots that contribute to the dehumanization and sexualization of Black girls. Participants will recognize how systematic oppression increases vulnerability to the push/pull factors of human trafficking and evaluate the use of trauma and survivor informed approaches in order to avoid re-traumatization and build resilience.
Presentation Objectives:
• Discuss the role of racism and systemic oppression on vulnerability, victimization, and justice
• Discuss the supply and demand of human trafficking and the sexual objectification of Black girls
• Evaluate the re-traumatization of “rescuing”
• Apply a trauma informed lens in recognizing the need for survivor-centered, culturally responsive approaches to healing