Economic Empowerment: A Way to Independence and Self-Esteem

Mercy Murugi Njeru | September 20 | 9:45-10:45 am

Topic: Programming, International | Knowledge Level: Advanced

In this presentation, Mercy will reflect on key factors for an impactful outcome of the economic empowerment trainings from the HAART (Awareness Against Human Trafficking) program. She will discuss the role of mental health, lack of resources, freedom of choice, availability of options, and long-term support mechanisms. Drawing from her individual choices and professional paths, the presentation gives an overview of a broad and diverse range of economic empowerment options. She will also share insights on the impact of economic empowerment programs on her psychological wellbeing and social status, including a gender perspective. A focus will be on long-term efficiency of economic empowerment. As a survivor advocate, Mercy will recommend actions for organizations who wish to design or redesign their own economic empowerment programs. She also hopes to inspire more organizations to set up appropriate economic empowerment programs.


Presentation Objectives:

•  Provide an overview over economic empowerment program opportunities and outline their potentially profound impact

•  Discuss key factors, challenges, and conditions for success and impact

•  Provide recommendations for program design

•  Inspire and encourage fellow survivors

About the Presenter