Systemic Barriers, Cracks and Safety Nets for Familial Trafficking Survivors

Christi Scott Bartman, MPA, JD, PhD & Jasmine Myers, MSSA | September 19 | 3:15-4:15 pm

Topic: Experience, Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Familial trafficking has only recently been brought into the mainstream conversations around human trafficking, but there is still a lot we don’t understand. The barriers a child faces that has been trafficked by a family member starts with identification and continues throughout the “system.” What happens when they hit a barrier and either fall through the cracks or are placed in a more harmful situation? These are some of our most vulnerable youth. Join the presenters to find out more about these barriers, the sporadic safety nets that are in place, and their suggestions for systemic change to better address these issues.


Presentation Objectives:

•  Define familial trafficking and the difficulties in identification

•  Discuss the barriers throughout the system that a child trafficked by a family member might encounter

•  Challenge the traditional system as it relates to the child and consider alternatives to better serve them

About the Presenters