Using Community Policing Approaches to Address Human Trafficking

Nazmia E.A. Comrie, MS; Alissa Huntoon, MPP; Lt. Craig LaGrone & Natasha Haunsperger | September 19 | 1:45-2:45 pm

Topic: Law Enforcement, Programming | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Effective partnerships between law enforcement and the communities they serve are a key component in effectively identifying and assisting victims of human trafficking and investigating and prosecuting traffickers. Agencies that focus on the three principles of community policing – partnerships, problem solving, and organizational change - have seen success in building trust and strengthening relationships between law enforcement and the communities they serve; including populations that may be particularly vulnerable to trafficking. This session will focus on promising practices in community policing approaches to human trafficking with the goal to explore how the law enforcement response to human trafficking might be strengthened throughout the field. Panelists will also discuss available resources and technical assistance available to the field.


Presentation Objectives:

•  Identify promising practices for combatting human trafficking

•  Provide collaborative strategies for engaging with services providers and survivors

•  Identify investigative strategies using community policing approaches

About the Presenters