Labor Exploitation in "3D Jobs": Child and Human Trafficking Along Migration Routes
Ezgi Yaman Kennedy, PhD, MSW | September 19 | 1:45-2:45 pm
Topic: Research, International | Knowledge Level: Advanced
Approximately 90 million migrants are living and working outside their home countries, many seeking security and sustainable livelihoods. These migrants often take on "3D jobs" characterized by low wages, little security, and hazardous conditions. Forced labor affects millions globally, with 49.6 million individuals trapped in modern slavery in 2021, including 27.6 million enduring forced labor. Of these, 17.3 million suffer exploitation in the private sector, and 3.9 million are victims of state-sanctioned forced labor. Shockingly, 6 million women and girls, along with 12% of children, are subjected to forced labor. Addressing decent work deficiencies in the informal economy is vital in combating this issue. This study aims to evaluate safeguarding strategies for individuals affected by forced labor exploitation-related human trafficking and child trafficking along the Mediterranean migration route, aligning with sustainable development goals. Semi-structured and qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with experts from Italy and Turkey. A total of 46 participants, including 15 from Italy and 31 from Turkey, were involved. Grounded theory guided data analysis using MAXQDA 2020 Pro Analytics software, revealing 2,942 codes, 17 sub-themes, and 4 main themes. These themes covered victim profiles, available services, challenges in service provision, and proposals for an effective protection system. The conclusion and discussion section compared results within the Council of Europe Convention framework, allowing for a comparative analysis between Italy and Turkey. Recommendations were made to address identified gaps in combating forced labor exploitation.
Presentation Objectives:
• Discuss protective measures for those impacted by forced labor exploitation, specifically human and child trafficking along the Mediterranean migration route
• Describe how to seek alignment with sustainable development goals to ensure effective safeguarding strategies