Healing After Trauma and Grief

Rita O'Brien, LLMSW | September 22 | 1:45-2:45 pm

Topic: Experience | Knowledge Level: Beginner

In 2023, Rita lost her mother after moving home to take care of her in 2018. It was then that Rita realized that she no longer had to protect her mother and slap on a happy face. Rita's mother had passed away and she could now focus on herself and her healing. Rita realized that the silence of never getting to tell her mother what really happened affected her. Now, Rita is free to write her book and tell her story. She has found that sharing her story has allowed her to heal and that writing her book will allow others to seek help. Silenced as a child from the trafficking and domestic violence that she grew up with, Rita strives to get healing for herself and others by talking openly about what she endured. Rita got her Undergraduate Degree at Eastern Michigan University and then went on to get her Masters in Social work from Western Michigan University with a Trauma focus. Rita will talk about how letting go of family experiences of trauma held her back from healing. Rita will share how letting go of the past and learning to live and enjoy life more was a welcoming gift to unpack. Rita hopes that those who attend will gain a better understanding of why survivors struggle so much with familial guilt placed on them.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss how Rita’s life experiences made her more resilient

·  Describe how organizations can help in the healing/thriving process

·  Help attendees learn how to live and enjoy life is the result of their experiences

About the Presenter