The Impact of Storytelling

Betty Beatty; Sarah Chambers, MSW, LCSW; Miriam Cobb & Khalila Riga | September 22 | 11:15 am-12:15 pm

Topic: Experience, Art | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Why do we utilize stories in our campaigns? Why do we share our stories to bring people into the mission of our work? Why do we provide a platform for survivors to tell their story? These questions are easy to answer: stories matter. They speak to us, encourage us, challenge us (Goodman, 2016; Classy, 2019). But there are other questions that must be asked. How do we know when someone’s ready to tell their story? What do I do with the grief of listening? Is this going to help someone else achieve safety? What is this all accomplishing? How do we do this well? These questions have begun to hover over all social justice movements as we shift to elevate survivors’ voices while struggling to provide safety and protection for the vulnerability of sharing something only one person can give (Survivor Alliance, 2023; Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, 2023). In this session, the presenters will explore one way to pursue ethical storytelling, the strategies of the “Storytelling Through Photography” curriculum that organizations can be trained to utilize, and the results of this program (Ewald, 2001; Kilbourn, 2013; Wolynn, 2016; Cobb, 2018). There will also be time for blunt, honest conversations on the power of stories and the impact it has on professionals in this sphere, with the hopes of giving permission for grief and joy to be experienced in the midst of the heartache.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide an overview of Empty Frames Initiative's "Storytelling Through Photography" which utilizes art therapy techniques in photography to bring about stories

·  Discuss how to process difficult conversations with yourself (for survivors and professionals)

·  Present practical tips on how to ethically engage survivor storytellers

About the Presenters