Rebuilding the Self

Wiley K. March | September 20 | 9:45-10:45 am

Topic: Experience | Knowledge Level: Beginner

Wiley K. March, a survivor of abuse and trafficking for 38 years, now radiates grace and inspiration as a published author, captivating speaker, workshop host, and visionary CEO. She creates safe avenues for crisis-stricken individuals to build their own income without jeopardizing their safety. Wiley shares her expertise, revealing often overlooked survivor insights, to diverse audiences including domestic violence shelters, trafficking rescue organizations, and the Department of Corrections. Her actionable guidance and unwavering support empower others to move from surviving to thriving, embracing self-love after enduring abuse and trafficking. Through relentless self-education, she equips herself and others with the tools needed for rebuilding lives from the ground up. Wiley illuminates the transformative power of resilience, healing, and the unwavering spirit that triumphs over adversity.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the importance of telling your truth when it feels like no one is listening

·  Present how to set and enforce personal boundaries when you don't feel safe

·  Discuss the true depth and breadth of child abuse in our society and how to curb it and heal the aftermath

·  Explain how to bring oneself to love after mental, emotional, and physical trauma

About the Presenter