Journey to Justice: Working With Victims of Human Sex Trafficking

Aura Burditt, BA & Wendy Goldsmith, MSW | September 20 | 11:15 am-12:15 pm

Topic: Programming, International | Knowledge Level: Beginner

The Phoenix Project, the London Abused Women’s Centre, Salvation Army Correctional Justice Services, and Youth Opportunities Unlimited use a wraparound approach to support victims of human trafficking. Together, with their unique skills and resources, they offer education, awareness, counselling, and exit strategies to support those who have been sex trafficked. One of the greatest challenges to victims is accessing justice. Together, these agencies have outlined pathways on the “Journey to Justice” which may include crisis intervention, connecting with community supports and counselling, police and judicial involvement, victim compensation, disclosure and anonymous reporting, and social justice action. Through their journey with the victim, together they facilitate pathways that meet the needs of the individual with the goal of creating the best possible outcomes on the path towards safety and healing. This collaborative, client-centered, and trauma-informed approach allows them to meet clients where they are at while helping them to build a safety net of supports and resources. This approach advances the likelihood that victims of sex trafficking will receive the best possible outcomes. Each program offers unique resources and perspectives, including the engagement of individuals with lived experience who continue to inform and evolve the programs of each agency. In this presentation, presenters will share some of the barriers, challenges, and opportunities that victims face while seeking justice. They will present promising practices based on what they learned from survivors, in their own words. Attendees will gain a better understanding of how to incorporate these practices into their work in helping survivors achieve justice.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the Phoenix Project and direct service model to engage victims of sex trafficking on their journey to justice

·  Discuss risks and challenges for victims of sex trafficking who seek justice

·  Discuss wraparound service model to meet the needs of victims of sex trafficking

About the Presenters