One Survivor's Journey Utilizing Her Knowledge of Neurobiology to Survive and Thrive

Kristen L. Szabla, PhD | September 22 | 9:45-10:45 am

Topic: Experience, Healthcare | Knowledge Level: Beginner

Dr. Kristen Szabla was born into darkness. Specifically, she was born into a black, cataclysmic web of sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation in which she was the victim and her parents were her perpetrators. Dr. Szabla will describe her story of overcoming not only to bring societal awareness to these all-too-common nefarious acts against humanity but to bring hope, healing, and ultimately social and policy change. This presentation will chronicle how she used her knowledge of neurobiology to expedite her journey from suffering victim to empowered survivor/thriver. Participants will experientially learn not only how the brain functions but how trauma damages and maladaptively wires specific areas of the brain (Walsh et al., 2022). By understanding the neurobiologic underpinnings of trauma, participants will discover how traumatized individuals are held in a victim-like state, seemingly incapable of change. Using personal examples and visual illustrations, participants will explore strategies as to how to utilize the power of the brain to potentiate its rewiring and expedite healing to help an individual transform from a victim to a thriving survivor. This presentation is designed to be accessible for all audiences, regardless of their familiarity with neurobiologic concepts.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide a synopsis of the survivor’s life experience

·  Provide an overview of the brain in action to explain the neurobiologic impact of trauma

·  Outline how the neurobiology of trauma keeps individuals victimized

·  Discuss tactics to harness the understanding of the neurobiologic impact of trauma to facilitate the transformation from victim to survivor/thriver

About the Presenter