Being A Survivor Advocate

Evelyne Adhiambo John, Purity Mbogo, Catherine Muturi, Mercy Njeru, Margaret Njoroge & Brenda Odhiambo | September 22 | 9:45-10:45 am

Topic: Experience, International | Knowledge Level: Advanced

The presenters are Kenyan Human Rights Activists who experienced human trafficking. They formed the first HAART Survivor Advocate Group. They rose up to fight human trafficking with an interest to fight the traffickers and bring survivors’ perspectives to the movement. They are active as facilitators, research consultants, and trained paralegals. In this presentation, they reflect on their experiences as Survivor Advocates in the Anti-Trafficking Movement and on forming a more inclusive movement. The activists in this group met and started to network while or after they were in programs by HAART – Awareness Against Human Trafficking, a Kenyan NGO offering holistic support to survivors of human trafficking. After a certain time, they decided to take part in HAART’s Survivor Leadership Program. In this presentation, they share their perspective on chances and challenges they have encountered as Survivor Advocates. Based on examples of their work, they encourage other survivors of human trafficking to join the movement and give recommendations to organizations who wish to become more inclusive for survivors.

Presentation Objectives:

·       Encourage survivors to join the movement

·       Give recommendations to organizations for survivor inclusion

About the Presenters