Designing a Community-Driven Solution toward Finding Shelter Faster

Sarah Washburn; Catherine Johnson & Ginger Shaw | September 21 | 3:15-4:15 pm

Topic: Conceptual, Experience | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

The Safe Shelter Collaborative is a program that finds shelter faster for survivors. Designed in collaboration with agencies that support survivors of human trafficking and domestic violence, the program is fueled by a technology service and by the community of shelters, agencies, and service providers that band together to find swift access to appropriate shelter. Seven years ago, the program was designed in collaboration with agencies across the state of New Jersey and since then has expanded to over 200 member agencies spanning 18 states in the U.S. Each hub of member agencies are autonomous groups that identify collectively the region they serve that fits the needs of their clients and service area. Agencies that comprise the hub in San Diego County have been members of the Safe Shelter Collaborative for over three years, and in that time have formed a steering committee that has driven efforts to expand the number of sheltering agencies in their region, the types of programs that can provide referrals for shelter and has influenced important improvements to the technology service that fuels the Safe Shelter Collaborative. This presentation will describe the Safe Shelter Collaborative and offer attendees an opportunity to see it in action, while hearing stories of how community participation designed the solution nationally and accesses shelter resources locally. A member of the SoCal hub will share how they organized to support finding shelter faster in their region and the lessons they learned to those who want to join the Safe Shelter Collaborative in the future.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe successful models for community collaboration

·  Discuss local and regional options for sheltering trafficking survivors

·  Explain how technology might fit into sheltering operations

About the Presenters