Meaningful Engagement of People with Lived Experience: A Framework and Assessment

Chris Ash, MA & Sophie Otiende | September 21 | 9:45-10:45 am

Topic: Conceptual, Experience | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

The 2022 Modern Slavery and Human Rights Centre (MS-PEC) report, “A review of current promising practices in the engagement of people with lived experience to address modern slavery and human trafficking,” found that while there is growing interest in survivor leadership, it is often implemented in ways that benefit the anti-trafficking sector while tokenizing survivors. Over the course of 2022, the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery partnered with the National Survivor Network to develop new frameworks for meaningful survivor engagement and inclusion in decision-making in the anti-trafficking sector. This toolkit was developed for the National Survivor Network’s use in their own organizations building on this foundation laid by the MS-PEC report with months of in-depth exercises and activities to formalize the framework. Currently, it is being used as part of ICF Incorporated’s human trafficking survivor engagement training and technical assistance to Office for Victims of Crime human trafficking grantees. This presentation will introduce attendees to the fundamental concepts of the framework. Attendees will learn why it is important to engage survivors intentionally, reciprocally, and thoughtfully at all levels of the Lived Experience Engagement Spectrum. The presenters will discuss the Lived Experience Inclusion Ladder, and why it is important to always strive to use the highest level of engagement possible on any given project or program. Finally, they will facilitate a group discussion about how to address common barriers to meaningful lived experience engagement. All attendees can download the full toolkit, which includes over 30 pages of assessments and instruments for evaluating and continually improving survivor engagement practices.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the five levels of the Lived Experience Engagement Spectrum

·  Outline the basic strategies for moving up the Ladder of Lived Experience Inclusion

·  Facilitate group discussion about overcoming common barriers to meaningful survivor engagement

About the Presenters