The Criminalization of Survivorship: The Keyana "Koko" Marshall Story

Keyana Marshall | September 21 | 9:45-10:45 am

Topic: Experience | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Keyana Marshall will be discussing her lived experience. Keyana survived domestic minor sex trafficking, the commercial sex industry, and the federal criminal justice system. Keyana was recruited and groomed into a life of prostitution at age 15. In 2009 when her trafficker was indicted, she was ready to celebrate her freedom. That was a short-lived experience because just six months later, Keyana was indicted on federal conspiracy charges alongside her abuser. She spent 2.5 years in prison and 3 years’ probation. Keyana is now a registered sex offender. In 2020, Keyana was charged with "failure to register as a sex offender". These charges occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic and left Keyana sitting in federal detention for 11 months, only to be placed on 5 years of supervision upon her release. The federal system had knowledge of her being exploited and still gave her a criminal rap-sheet that would cripple her ability to become a productive member of society. Anchorage vice watched and inadvertently facilitated and heckled the exploitation. Keyana was put through the criminal justice system as a co-conspirator in her own exploitation. Keyana was criminalized alongside 2 pimps and the owner of the property where the mass exploitation occurred. All 3 of Keyana's co-defendants were over the age of 50, while Keyana was only 20 years old at the time. Now, Keyana is being stigmatized with a sex offender registry. During this presentation, attendees will hear the story of Keyana’s victimization during and after her trafficking experience. This is not the only case of victims being punished by the criminal justice system. There is no “perfect” victim, but it appears that the justice system has preferred criteria.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss Keyana’s life experience as a victim of domestic minor sex trafficking

·  Describe the critical transitions in her life that led to her indictment

·  Provide lessons learned from her experience as a survivor with the criminal justice system

About the Presenter