The Intersection of Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, Sex Trafficking, and Medical Professionals in Emergency Rooms

Katherine Antall, MS | September 21 | 9:45-10:45 am

Topic: Research, Healthcare | Knowledge Level: Beginner

Sex trafficking (ST) of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) is scarcely written about in peer-reviewed literature (Reid, 2018). To fill substantial gaps in the literature, a pilot study exploring medical professionals’ perception of ST of individuals with IDD was conducted. The central question is how do medical professionals in emergency rooms view the intersection of ST and IDD? Sub-questions include: 1) What training have medical professionals received on ST and IDD, as independent concepts or together? 2) What experiences have medical professionals had treating victims/survivors of ST? and 3) What experiences have medical professionals had treating victims/survivors of ST with IDD? Emergency rooms are among the most common environments for identification of persons experiencing trafficking to occur (Tiller & Reynolds, 2020; Gibbons & Stoklosa, 2016; Egyud et al., 2016). Identification of trafficking status can result in immediate implementation of trauma-informed supports as well as linkages to services and resources. The study utilizes a hermeneutic phenomenological qualitative framework. As this is a pilot study, two medical professionals participated through semi-structured interview. This presentation will also include foundational information to highlight various sociocultural, interpersonal, and individual variables which may impact individuals with IDD and increase their risk of trafficking. Themes identified include severity of trafficking of individuals with IDD and barriers to identification. Themes will be discussed within the context of general recommendations for interacting with and supporting victims/survivors with IDD.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide an overview of the intersection of IDD and ST

·  Describe factors which contribute to trafficking of individuals with IDD

·  Provide overview of the pilot study, including main questions, methodology, findings, and future directions

·  Provide recommendations for interacting with and supporting survivors/victims of trafficking with IDD

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