Posts in 2022
Lori Lux

Lori Lux is an MSW student at the University of Toledo. She is an amazing mother, a talented writer, and a valued member of her Disparities, Diversity, and Social Justice Class.

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2022Anna SchrammLori Lux
Heather Sloane, PhD, LISW

Heather Sloane is an associate professor in the social work program at the University of Toledo. She uses critical pedagogy to dissect power dynamics within the classroom and how the classroom often mimics injustice in the broader community. Dr. Sloane won a University of Toledo outstanding teaching award in 2019.

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Rachel Nelson

Rachel Nelson is the Executive Director of Freedom Business Alliance, where she helps around 100 business members articulate visions that inspire action. Her leadership approach is informed by a 20+ year career as a creative director and graphic designer, helping launch and grow brands on a national and international level.

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Lauren Pinkston, PhD

During her time living and working abroad, Dr. Lauren Pinkston discovered business to be a catalyst for preventing exploitative labor. She is an Assistant Professor of Business as Mission at Lipscomb University and the Executive Director for Kindred Exchange, as well as a research partner with Freedom Business Alliance.

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Stephanie Lillegard, MID

As Winrock International’s Associate Director of Safe Migration and Human Trafficking, Stephanie Lillegard works across a portfolio of counter-trafficking programs designing and implementing strategic prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnership activities. Additionally, Ms. Lillegard brings hands on experience building the capacity of government officials to response to child trafficking.

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Christopher Wooley, MIA

Christopher Wooley is the Project Director of the Attaining Lasting Change for Better Enforcement of Labor and Criminal Law to Address Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking (ATLAS) project implemented by Winrock International. Mr. Wooley brings more than a decade implementing international development projects and broad experience in TIP projects.

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Fidelma B. Rigby, MD

Dr. Fidelma Rigby is a professor at VCU School of Medicine in the Maternal-Fetal Division. She also serves as the faculty sponsor of the Students Fighting Human Trafficking club, faculty leader of the Human Trafficking Clinical Elective, and co-leader of the annual VCUHS Medical Symposium on Human Trafficking.

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Vashali Jain

Vashali Jain is a third-year medical student at VCU School of Medicine. She is on the research committee for the VCU Students Fighting Human Trafficking club. She plans on going into pediatrics and is passionate about advocating for patients, especially those that can’t.

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Kathleen Pugh

Kathleen Pugh is a third-year medical student at the VCU School of Medicine. She has been working through the VCU Students Fighting Human Trafficking club to create a trauma-informed care curriculum for first-year students. Kathleen plans to specialize in Ob/Gyn to pursue her passion for destigmatizing women's health issues.

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Lauren Hanley

Lauren Hanley is a third-year medical student at VCU School of Medicine. She is on the Research Committee for the VCU Students Fighting Human Trafficking club. She plans to become a pediatrician and is dedicated to practicing a holistic approach to patient care.

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Sarah Beaverson

Sarah Beaverson is a third-year medical student at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Medicine. She is one of the Research Co-Chairs of the VCU Students Fighting Human Trafficking club. She is interested in family medicine and women's reproductive health and is passionate about racial health equity and community health.

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Eva Karpati, BPHE

Eva Karpati is the Immediate Past President of National Council of Jewish Women of Canada, Toronto, having held the position of President for the previous four years. She has been an active member of its Human Trafficking Awareness Committee since 2016.

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2022Anna SchrammEva Karpati
Ena Cord, BA

Ena Cord is a Past President of National Council of Jewish Women of Canada, Toronto. She has chaired NCJWC’s Human Trafficking Awareness Committee since 2018. Ena is a psychotherapist in private practice in Toronto.

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2022Anna SchrammEna Cord
Natly Denise, BBA

Natly Denise is an investigative journalist on YouTube and Podcast with multiple years of anti-sex trafficking activism, ministry, and outreach. She also owns and operates the first of its kind sex trafficking focused news: The Daily TrafficK. She is on her way to upstarting a needed anti-trafficking watchdog non-profit called Counter Trafficking Alliance.

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Madeline Stenersen, PhD

Dr. Madeline Stenersen is a researcher, evaluator, and current postdoctoral fellow at Yale's School of Medicine who specializes in using big data and community voices to promote health equity among historically marginalized populations. She has a specific focus on the intersection of sex trade, criminal justice, and LGBTQ+ populations.

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Holly Austin Gibbs, BA

Holly Gibbs is the System Director of the CommonSpirit Health Human Trafficking Response Program. Holly oversees efforts to implement policies, procedures, education, and other resources that will assist providers and staff in identifying patients who may be impacted by human trafficking and in offering trauma-informed care to affected patients.

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Mary Sparrow

Mary Sparrow is an artist, poet, mother, and public speaker whose work documents her 25-year journey of survival and healing from extreme abuse. Brought into a murderous sex trafficking ring as a small child, her work aims to support herself and others in their healing and empowerment.

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2022Anna SchrammMary Bolger
Donna Lyon, PhD

Donna Lyon is an academic, researcher, producer, and survivor of ritual abuse from Melbourne, Australia. She is founder of Left Write Hook, an evidence-based participatory arts program for survivors pairing creative writing with boxing to explore the survivor’s lived experience and creative interventions into recovery through embodied trauma.

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2022Anna SchrammDonna Lyon