How Smart Technology Can Help Victims and Witnesses Safely Report Misconduct & Power Abusers

Ariel Weindling | September 23 | 3:15-4:15 pm

Topic: Programming, Law Enforcement | Knowledge Level: Advanced

Speaking up and reporting power abusers, whether it is in the workplace, on campus, or in the family context, is very complex for many reasons. #MeToo highlighted an epidemic of not only harassment, but also power abuse and misconduct of all kinds. Our tech solution that has been used by thousands of people to report issues, the #NotMe app provides the most empowering and practical tech solution to prevent and address these abuses. How? By making it easier for individuals to safely speak up and for organizations to become aware and respond— earlier. #NotMe is not a faceless bot, not just another piece of software. The mission is to bridge the gap between victims or witnesses of abuse or misconduct and organizations that can help them by empowering them to report and address the misconduct they’ve experienced or witnessed. Whether it be harassment, discrimination, sex trafficking, bullying, and more, this is the easiest and best way to speak up, report, and get help. Speaking up and reporting abuse and/or misconduct is incredibly difficult. Oftentimes, victims cannot put words on situations they experience. Tools for reporting are not very user friendly, are mostly archaic, and require a lot of efforts on the part of the victims and witnesses. #NotMe, with its smart and easy-to-use mobile app, takes down as best as possible obstacles and barriers to reporting and provides the safest and most trusted speak-up experience to individuals who want/are ready to speak up and report. Technology can be a force for good and change. #NotMe does that by helping people speak up and report power abusers and by allowing them to tell their story, safely through smart technology.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Increase awareness of the #NotMe app

·  Explain how the app can be used for reporting of human trafficking and other abuses by victims or witnesses so they can get the help they need

About the Presenter