HEMAD: Men Taking a Visible Stand Against Human Trafficking

Debbie Lassiter, DDiv & Arnold Cifax, Sr | September 23 | 3:15-4:15 pm

Topic: Conceptual | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

The largest part of the customer base for the commercial sex trade is male. Human trafficking occurs when individuals use force, fraud, or coercion to facilitate these activities. Are men really silent? Do all men think this is okay? Often, men are unaware that some of their actions may be contributing to human trafficking. Men have requested a way to show that they take a stand against people being trafficked. For example, during presentations and informal conversations with staff at the Convergence Resource Center, men have asked how can they get involved and how they can help. Additionally, women involved in the fight need a way to include the men in the fight. The presenters provide a way for men to visibly show that they do not agree with or co-sign human trafficking. Men are educated, awareness is raised, a pledge is taken, and men take a stand to show that they stand against these illegal activities. Men wear apparel, including shirts and bands, as conversation starters. They use these to encourage and educate other men. These items will be shown during the presentation. How did we get over 65,000 men in 11 states and 3 countries to visibly say “no’ to human trafficking? Information, methods, and techniques used will be shared. The opportunity for men to join this fight and take a stand will be provided.


Presentation Objectives:

·  Raise awareness to behaviors that contribute to human trafficking

·  Share methods to involve men in the fight against human trafficking

·  Provide an opportunity for men to take a stand

About the Presenters