A Process and Outcomes Evaluation of the FOCUS on Runaways Project

Monica Klonowski, PhD ABD | September 23 | 11:45 am-12:45 pm

Topic: Programming, Law Enforcement | Knowledge Level: Beginner

The FOCUS on Runaways Project is a collaborative program to locate and provide services to runaway youth and their families to prevent sex trafficking and drug addiction in Lucas County. The program centers on initial assessment, referral, and follow-up assessment to evaluate the impact of a particular human trafficking intervention on reducing risk of human trafficking for youth who run away from home. Year one of the project utilized a community-based policing approach, while year two utilized a community-based agency approach. This presentation will provide an overview of the project, highlight the role and value of process and outcomes evaluation, utilize data to compare approaches and outcomes in year 1 and year 2 of the project, and provide recommendations for best practices regarding program evaluation.


Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide an overview of the scope of the FOCUS on Runaways Project

·  Provide an overview of the role and purpose of process and outcomes evaluation

·  Utilize data to compare two the approaches (law enforcement vs. community-based) to human trafficking prevention as utilized in the project in years 1 and

·  Highlight the results of the process and outcomes evaluation

·  Provide recommendations for best practices of evaluating collaborative, community-based human trafficking initiatives

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