Overcoming the Criminalization of Human Trafficking Survivors

Jamie Beck, JD & Pallavi Garg, JD | September 22 | 3:15-4:15 pm

Topic: Legal, Law Enforcement | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

This training will address the dynamic intersections of systemic discrimination of vulnerable populations and how these intersections connect to the criminalization of trafficking survivors. Marginalized communities are not sufficiently identified as victims and are disproportionately criminalized. Topics will cover cultural relationships with different trafficking survivors and the victim-offender intersectionality. Next, the training will discuss opportunities to overcome criminalization of survivors through: (1) policy work, (2) access to legal support, and (3) community education. Policy changes have shaped important relief for survivors in many states, and the presenters will provide some examples from California and New York. Likewise, they will discuss how trauma-informed lawyers representing survivors leads to more empowering legal interactions and case results. Lastly, they will discuss the importance of training legal stakeholders including prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, and probation.


Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the ways in which trafficking survivors are criminalized and how systemic discrimination of marginalized populations plays into the criminalization of survivors

·  Describe the various changes to the applicable laws around the country

·  Discuss the various legal needs and remedies available to survivors and how access to a lawyer is a critical component of accessing justice

·  Explain the importance of educating legal system stakeholders as a means to create a more trauma-informed and victim-centered experience for survivors

About the Presenters