Finding the Trafficker: Proactive Approaches to Investigating and Prosecuting Human Trafficking

Brooke Grona-Robb, JD | September 21 | 10:15-11:15 am

Topic: Law Enforcement, Legal | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Successful prosecutions depend on thorough investigations. Successful investigations start with a proactive approach. Preparing a community for a human trafficking response that is victim-centered, adaptable, and resourceful is crucial to recover victims and prosecute traffickers. This workshop will discuss how a community can prepare for a human trafficking response, law enforcement can corroborate the trafficking offense, and prosecutors can determine culpability. In addition, the importance of taking on the demand for sex trafficking and methods to attack demand, including legislative and law enforcement responses will be discussed. Anticipating the case allows for the development of trafficking prosecutions that can be built without reliance on the victim’s presence or cooperation during the trial. Evaluating the system in place to recover at-risk youth and initiating the resources needed for a successful recovery can allow for prosecutions without the need for a victim to testify. Participants will learn how to prepare a community response for a victim-centered approach to human trafficking cases.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss ways community service organizations can assist with the recovery of at-risk youth

·  Identify law enforcement methods that can assist the prosecutor develop a case that is not reliant upon the sex trafficking victim

About the Presenter