Listening to the Silence: The Hidden Elements of Familial Trafficking

Jessa Dillow Crisp, MA, LPCC | September 21 | 10:15-11:15 am

Topic: Experience, Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Many people struggle to wrap their minds around familial trafficking, yet it is real and is happening all around us, creating victims silenced by generational secrets. Presented by a survivor of familial trafficking that is now a mental health professional, this session will look at the hidden elements of familial trafficking, including why someone might sell a relative, the intersection between familial trafficking, labor trafficking, and commercial sexual exploitation. Attend this session to learn how to identify a potential victim of familial trafficking and learn how to respond to their unique needs from a trauma-informed and survivor-centered way.


Presentation Objectives:

·  Define familial sex and labor trafficking

·  Discuss the alarming prevalence of familial trafficking

·  Discuss red flags specific to helping individuals identify victims of familial trafficking

·  Discuss trauma-informed and survivor-centered ways to engage with survivors of familial trafficking

About the Presenter