Rebellion as a Lifeline: The Story of a Ritual Abuse Survivor

Anneke Lucas | September 21 | 3:15-4:15 pm

Topic: Experience, International | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Anneke Lucas is a survivor of ritual abuse, mind control, and child sex slavery to the global elite. Now, she is an author and public speaker, leads workshops, and counsels with other survivors. At age six, Anneke was sold by her mother into an international pedophile ring involving world leaders. Like many victims, she was used in a well-oiled system of power where children were used for favors or blackmail. At age nine, she received mind control training to be a sex slave to the global elite and was promised a future of fame and fortune. However, there was a price to pay, and she knew she could not go along, even if it would cost her life. She refused, and though her life was spared, she was severely punished. At age 11, she was dramatically rescued from the ring by an insider, who gave her directions for her survival. Through her experiences at the seat of worldly power, through her long, ongoing healing process, and through service, Anneke developed intricate awareness of power, both on the global and personal level. The choice she made at age nine saved her integrity, and that act of rebellion was the thread that eventually led her back to her healed self. Every choice has an impact and a ripple effect and supports either truth and integrity or the toxic power system.


Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the experiences of a mind-controlled child sex slave

·  Discuss the critical choice to forego power and riches for the sake of integrity

·  Explain the need for integrity in a volatile world in order to fight a dark power system

About the Presenter