Victim Inclusive Model of Rehabilitation for Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation in India

Vipin Vijay Nair, PhD | September 22 | 10:15-11:15 AM

Topic: Research, International | Knowledge Level: Advanced

National Crime Records Bureau in its crime report for India in 2018 reflected a continuous increase in the number of cases of human trafficking from 918 (2016) to 1127 (2017) to 1313 (2018) (NCRB, 2019). The research study focuses on scheme initiated by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India in 2007 with Rehabilitation & Protective (R&P) Home. Participatory action research was utilized for the study including active participation with the beneficiaries of R&P homes. The sampling was used to answer three research questions: 1) What are the factors that facilitate effective rehabilitation at R&P Homes? 2) What are the factors that deter effective rehabilitation at R&P Homes? and 3) What are the factors that facilitate effective re-integration post their exit from R&P Homes? Eighty-three (83) women who were victims of commercial sexual exploitation residing at 14 R&P homes in 7 states in India were interviewed between the years 2018 to 2021 through conversational interviews. The findings of the research focused on four main factors: 1) lack of psychological assistance, 2) prevalence of maladaptive coping mechanisms, 3) absence of financial independence, and 4) victimization by stakeholders of the anti-trafficking mechanism. The results of the study indicate that victims of commercial sexual exploitation residing at R&P Homes required dedicated financial and psychological assistance for holistic rehabilitation. This presentation concludes with recommendations for a Holistic Victim Inclusive Rehabilitation for victims of commercial sexual exploitation dedicating the role of every stakeholder of the anti-trafficking movement towards effective rehabilitation and reintegration.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide an overview of the study, including research questions, methodology, and findings

·  Explain the implications and recommendations of the research

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