Caught in a Black Hole: The Interaction between Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Human Trafficking of Eritrean Refugees

Klara Smits, MSc | September 22 | 11:45 AM-12:45 PM

Topic: Research, International | Knowledge Level: Advanced

Digitalization has given rise to trafficking for ransom through use of extortion via mobile phones. This type of trafficking currently affects many refugees, mainly in Libya. The link between digitalization and human trafficking has been described, but not yet explained. Refugees often traverse “black holes” in the digital landscape, depending on “gatekeepers” for information and services. Qualitative research is used to answer the question: How does the concept of gatekeeping explain the effect of digitalization on human trafficking trajectories of Eritrean refugees on the Central Mediterranean Route? Particularly violent modus operandi have emerged with increasing amounts of victims and money involved (Van Reisen & Mawere, 2017). For example, refugees frequently are affected by extortion for ransom, being forced to call their relatives to pay under torture and threats of death (Van Reisen et. al., 2019).  This research looks at the experiences of Eritrean refugees through ethnographic interviews and makes sense of the data through the theoretical lens of gatekeeping theory. The research has so far shown that Eritrean refugees are a “gated” community which is affected by lack of informational tools, but also physical alternatives, which perpetuates their vulnerability to trafficking. Lack of understanding into complexities of digitalization leads to policy approaches which do not fit the reality. Digitalization is a driver of new forms of trafficking, threatening to lead to increasingly risk-free environments for traffickers, as the refugees form a fully closed-off, “gated” community. Without adequate understanding of this in policy making, traffickers remain free to exploit this situation.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide an overview of the study, including the main questions, methodology and findings

·  Emphasize the importance of participant experiences in this type of research

·  Illicit thoughts and discussion about the role of digitalization in human trafficking through the case study presented in this research

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