Validating a Healthcare Intervention Protocol for Responding to Signs of Abuse, Neglect or Violence

Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, MSW, PhD; Holly Gibbs & Sandy Woo-Cater, MA | September 24 | 10:15-11:15 AM

Topic: Research, Healthcare | Knowledge Level: Advanced

Healthcare is becoming a key partner in the anti-trafficking field, providing needed medical and mental health services for victims. The healthcare setting is also a unique opportunity to identify victims of trafficking and link them with resources to exit their trafficking situation. Several important efforts have been made to create a screening tool whereby healthcare personnel can ask patients questions so that trafficking victims can be identified. CommonSpirit Health has taken an alternative approach, using instead indicators of trafficking that may be observed in the course of treatment and providing a link to resources, without seeking a disclosure. The protocol for this has been described as the PEARR steps: Provide privacy, Education, Ask, Respect, and Respond. This protocol has been piloted at Dignity Health facilities within CommonSpirit Health and has been utilized by several other healthcare systems across the country. In an effort to advance the work in the field, CommonSpirit Health partnered with Arizona State University’s Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research (STIR) to study the PEARR protocol. Healthcare personnel at three hospitals in Bakersfield, California were trained on human trafficking and the use of the PEARR steps. Findings from the study will be shared, including the impact of the protocol on the following: 1) quantity and quality of victim identification and response, 2) healthcare personnel’s ability to respond appropriately to victims, and 3) outcomes for victims, including linkage to community resources. Participants will discover how trauma-informed practices can help identify and respond to victims in a healthcare setting.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explain the rationale behind the PEARR approach

·  Describe the key steps of the PEARR approach

·  Present research findings on validating the protocol

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