Intersections between Labor and Sex Trafficking: How it Impacts Our Response

Madeline Lohman, MALD; Terry & Tonique | September 24 | 11:45 AM-12:45 PM

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Sex and labor trafficking are often treated as two separate but related phenomena. This presentation will explore how both forms of trafficking are intertwined in many situations and how that impacts survivors, victim advocacy, supportive services, and access to justice. Based on focus groups conducted with survivors of human trafficking, the presentation will explore how labor and sex trafficking co-occur in a wide variety of situations. At the start of the sessions, most survivors in the focus groups recognized their sex trafficking experiences but none identified as victims of labor trafficking. Through extensive discussions, the survivors examined the types of labor trafficking they experienced and explored how identifying labor trafficking in these contexts would improve the response by both law enforcement and victim advocates. During the presentation, participants will evaluate their own communities and experiences to identify this dual victimization. The presenters will offer best practices and concrete tools for participants to use in their own work to ensure that survivors of both sex and labor trafficking receive the full range of services they need and find justice for all they have experienced.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss how sex and labor trafficking overlap.

·  Encourage attendees to reflect on their experiences with situations that involved both sex and labor trafficking

·  Describe how to follow best practices when working with survivors of both sex and labor trafficking

About the Presenters