Effectual Measurement for Courageous Social Change: Findings from a Human Trafficking Prevention Curriculum Matrix

Chris Croft, MA & Madison Van Epps, MPH | September 23 | 1:45-2:45 PM

Topic: Programming, Research | Knowledge Level: Advanced

In 2015, the North Carolina General Legislature passed Session Law 2015-279, mandating the inclusion of “sex trafficking prevention and awareness” in reproductive health education in North Carolina schools. With a state mandate in place, North Carolina school districts were responsible for selecting a human trafficking prevention curriculum for their district. Current human trafficking prevention curriculums are variable, as curriculum is developed and created by organizations with differing lenses and levels of experience with violence prevention. Curriculums also vary in their foundation in and adherence to best practices for violence prevention education. With a multitude of available curriculums that have differing lenses or elements, school districts planning to implement human trafficking prevention education are left to identify which prevention curriculum would be best to use in their schools. In 2020, in partnership with the NC Sexual Violence Prevention Advisory Council of the NC Department of Health and Human Services, NCCASA developed a “Human Trafficking Prevention Curriculum Matrix” to assist NC education agencies in determining an appropriate curriculum. This presentation will explain the process used to create the matrix, present the findings of the survey process, and provide recommendations for the future of human trafficking prevention curriculum development. 

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explain the need behind the matrix and the gap that it fills

·  Provide an overview of the process of creating the matrix

·  Review the findings and final product of the matrix

·  Describe lessons learned in the process of creating the matrix and recommendations based upon those lessons

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