Effective Case Management with Human Trafficking Survivors

Celia Williamson, PhD | September 23 | 11:45 AM-12:45 PM

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Even though the case management credo is to walk along survivors toward healing and restoration, many advocates are not familiar with how to effectively work with survivors from the beginning of the professional relationship to the end. Even when the general practice of case management is understood, effective and successful case management with human trafficking survivors is not well understood. This session will provide case managers and those that desire to work directly with survivors with key information to increase your level of knowledge, decrease your doubts, and increase your potential to be more successful in your work with survivors.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the components of case management practice with human trafficking survivors

·  Describe the barriers and fears of many case managers working with human trafficking survivors and how to counter those

·  Explain the components leading to more successful outcomes with survivors

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