A Case Study of Community Organizing Efforts: Project Homeless Connect (PHC)

Mamta Ojha, PhD, MSW & Megan Petra, PhD, MSW | September 23 | 11:45 AM-12:45 PM

Topic: Research | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Homelessness is a complex issue, affected by individual, familial, social, and structural factors (Mago et. al., 2013). To be effective, interventions should be customized to address individuals’ needs (Woodward & Johnston, 2008). Such customization requires coordination among social services agencies. This presentation will describe a successful community organizing effort in a rural/suburban county to provide services to the homeless population. Starting in 2013, agencies and community groups in the county utilized an Asset Based Community Development framework to collaborate in developing Project Homeless Connect (PHC). For this annual event, area service providers collaborate to serve individuals/families in need and to raise awareness of homelessness among community members. PHC has helped the community and service providers to foster stronger relationships, work interdependently, and have a positive impact on each other. Nearly 50 community agencies participate in PHC to serve 300 homeless and at-risk clients/year. The average age of participants was a little above 40 years, 75% of them were White/Non-Hispanic, approximately 70% were females, 42% were single, 18% had previously been evicted, 29% did not have reliable transportation, 18% reported having criminal records, and the average number of services that participants wished to be connected to was 5. Evaluation of PHC indicates that clients are helped during the event and throughout the year via referrals to community services. The event also has impacted community organizations, with 62% of providers reporting that their understanding of homelessness has changed as a result of their participation in PHC.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe common challenges experienced by homeless individuals in a rural/ suburban geographical area

·  Identify strategies to connect homeless population to various resources utilizing PHC model

·  Utilize theoretical framework to engage community and various stakeholders in the community organizing initiative

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