Helping People in the Sex Trade during COVID-19: The Perspectives of Israeli Aid Organizations and People in the Sex Trade

Einat Peled, PhD, MSW; Guy Shilo, PhD, MSW; Yeela Lahav Raz, PhD; Nur Shimei, PhD & Ayelet Prior, MSW | September 23 | 10:15-11:15 AM

Topic: Research, International | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

The worldwide collateral effects of COVID-19 are unequally and disproportionately affecting vulnerable and marginalized populations, among them people in the sex trade. Aid organizations are forced to quickly adapt to this new pandemic reality. Thus, the crisis creates new challenges and exacerbates existing hardships for both the people in the sex trade and aid organizations. Accordingly, the main research question was: "What are the experiences and challenges faced by Israeli people in the sex trade and the aid organizations aiming to help them during the COVID-19 pandemic?" Findings are based on a thematic analysis of naturalistic qualitative interviews conducted during May to December 2020, with representatives of 23 Israeli aid organizations and 20 people with sex trade experience. The interviews with aid organizations' workers revealed an increase in referrals and material and emotional needs among their clients. Focusing on provision of materiel needs while neglecting psychotherapeutic, medical, or advocacy interventions has inevitably influenced aid-work in three central areas: therapeutic relationships, self-perception and self-worth of aid workers, and in revealing organizational strengths. Interviewees in the sex trade described how and to what extent working in sex helped them to cope with COVID-19 related needs, and the obstacles and facilitating factors met when trying to secure aid. Both groups related to the role of online and distance therapeutic interventions during the crisis. The implications focus on policy and direct service recommendations directed at the alleviation of obstacles to providing people in the sex trade with the required assistance in times of crisis.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide an overview of the study, including main questions, methodology, and findings

·  Describe research implications for policy and practice

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