Coast-to-Coast Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign

Alex Rister, PhD(c) & Carolyn Haslam Rickert | September 22 | 11:45 AM-12:45 PM

Topic: Programming| Knowledge Level: Beginner

Increased understanding and awareness of the issue of human trafficking has been identified as an important first step to engagement in anti-trafficking efforts (Busch-Armendariz, Nsonwu & Heffron, 2018). However, Countryman-Roswurm & Brackin (2017) argue that human trafficking awareness efforts are rarely intentional and can sometimes be harmful in re-exploiting survivors. Organizations leading anti-trafficking efforts who intentionally and meaningfully promote human rights approaches may utilize digital activism strategies to increase visibility of the issue, to build community in support of solutions, and to encourage planning and capacity building behind the movement (Jenkins, Ford & Green, 2013; Tufekci, 2017). One women’s civic leadership nonprofit organization, the Junior League of Greater Orlando (JLGO), sought to raise awareness of human trafficking across Florida’s Interstate 4 (I-4) Corridor via a campaign in partnership with the Junior League of Daytona Beach and the Junior League of Tampa. This Coast-to-Coast campaign ran each day in January 2019 for human trafficking awareness month. Each post featured an image of a community leader with a corresponding anti-trafficking quote. JLGO’s Facebook analytics revealed an increase in page views and reach while Instagram analytics similarly increased in reach, actions taken, and impressions. This presentation describes the creation and execution of the Coast-to-Coast campaign and outlines its positive results. Attendees will better understand how to partner with other organizations across geographical boundaries to raise awareness of human trafficking via a social media campaign. Lessons learned will allow for more successful digital activism in the future.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss benefits and drawbacks of digital activism

·  Describe ways organizations can create and execute human trafficking awareness campaigns

·  Explain lessons learned and next steps

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