Building Positive Connections: The Purpose and the Process

Gwen England, CDCA & Shauna Harrison, LISW | September 23 | 10:00-11:00 AM

Topic: Direct Service, Legal | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

CATCH Court works with survivors of human trafficking whose circumstances have led them to criminal justice involvement. The CATCH Court staff provide wraparound services to the women in the program as they exit the life. One of the main focal points for the staff during the two years of participation, outside of addiction and trauma therapy, is to help the women learn how to engage in healthy relationships and connection. The staff have witnessed a significant deficit in the participant’s ability to set appropriate boundaries, have effective communication, or display fundamental relational skills. This is largely due to their experiences and perceptions that have framed what a relationship looks like. Staff experiences show that a survivor is in need of multiple support people to effectively leave the life, which is challenging for those who have never functioned within a structure of wellness and autonomy. In addition, experiences within the docket have also provided staff with anecdotal evidence as to how unhealthy relationships can lead to the re-entrance of the life. CATCH Court has developed guidelines to assist in the process of safety and learning while navigating foreign territory regarding relationship building and appropriate connection. Connection is one of the most vital elements – to women, to addicts, and to trauma survivors. It has to be a focus for those working in the anti-trafficking field.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the importance of cultivating connections in the lives of survivors

·  Describe a framework on how CATCH Court facilitates the process of healthy connections

·  Explain the high influence of relationships to an increase or decrease in risk for the women who are trying to exit the life

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