Art Immersion and Relaxation

Megan Kraner, LSW, MSW & Kari Oberlin, LSW, MSW | September 23-25

Topic: Art | Knowledge Level: All levels

This exhibit is intended for education, relaxation, and therapeutic interactions. We understand the topics discussed throughout this conference are vital but can also be draining. Should you feel as though you need a mental health break, find yourself with a gap between sessions, or if you just love art and are interested in how it can be used for coping and relief, come explore this interactive exhibit!

Exhibit Objectives:

·  Use art as a coping mechanism to deescalate attendees who may be in distress

·  Create a space where attendees can feel safe

·  Provide attendees with accurate information about the benefits of art on the body and mind

·  Provide hands on materials for attendees to interact with and learn from

About the Exhibit Organizers

2020Anna Schrammart