Seeing Me: Thriver Art Experience

Sarah Demerath | September 23-25

Topic: Art | Knowledge Level: All levels

Sarah Demerath is a survivor of childhood trauma and sex trafficking. Throughout her life, Sarah has turned to art as an emotional outlet, coping mechanism, and as an avenue for self-expression and escape. Her life experience has led her to become a peer-to-peer counselor & case manager at Convergence Resource Center (CRC) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and she has assisted the CRC in creating the first transitional housing center specifically for survivors of sex trafficking in the state of Wisconsin.

Sarah’s physical artwork is heavily entwined with her love for music, through which she finds a source of inspiration and motivation. Sarah hopes that by telling her story through art, she can inspire others to connect with their own resiliency, creativity, and self-worth.

Exhibit Objectives:

·  Share a survivor’s life experience through art

·  Inspire resiliency and highlight creativity

·  Spread the message of art as therapy

About the Artist

2020Anna Schrammart