Life Cycle of a Labor Trafficking Case

Nazmia Comrie; Terence “Terry” Coonan, JD; Luis C.deBaca, JD; Florrie Burke; Evelyn Chumbow & Megan Bruneau Zentner | September 25 | 3:00-4:00 PM

Topic: Legal, Law Enforcement | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

When investigating labor trafficking cases, investigators must consider a series of steps involved in building a labor trafficking case that includes victim recruitment, case discovery and management, case prosecution, and the resulting response from victim services providers. Investigators will benefit from expert knowledge that demonstrates a holistic approach to investigating a labor trafficking case. This presentation will identify several processes involved in a labor trafficking investigation. Topics to be explored will include common vulnerabilities of trafficking victims who are exploited in their recruitment or forced entry by traffickers; identification of common labor trafficking worksites, discovery methods, and investigative strategies; and the use of multidisciplinary teams to manage and prosecute labor trafficking cases while also providing services to victims. This presentation is designed to improve the awareness, responsiveness, and accountability among law enforcement, businesses, communities, and other stakeholders on labor trafficking.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide an overview of labor trafficking, common indicators, and victim vulnerabilities

·  Provide strategies to identify common labor trafficking worksites, discovery methods, and investigative approaches

·  Discuss the use of multidisciplinary teams to manage and prosecute labor trafficking cases

·  Discuss innovative investigative strategies to aid in the successful investigation and prosecution of labor trafficking cases

About the Presenters