Relational Trauma Common to Exploited Persons

Christa Lynn, LMHC, CCTP & Marianne Thomas, PhD | September 25 | 1:30-2:30 PM

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Beginner

The speakers will address three different impacts, behavioral responses, and needs pertaining to trauma that sex trafficking victims and service providers may experience. The impact on development that trauma has presents itself in many forms: acute, chronic and complex (Peterson, 2018). The speakers will focus on complex trauma, as that is what a majority of sex trafficking victims experience. Secondly, they will explain in-depth the different responses to trauma, such as: fight, flight, freeze, and fawn. These four responses each carry varying implications that are critical for service providers to understand when providing services to victims of sex trafficking or others dealing with complex trauma (Walker). Lastly, the speakers will conclude their presentation with addressing healing needs and treatment approaches to individuals experiencing complex trauma and sex trafficking victims. Trauma impacts the person physically, emotionally and relationally. Trauma has both a short and long term physiological impact on the brain function, immune system, and overall general bodily health. In regard to the emotional impact of trauma, it causes the need for counseling, mindfulness habits, and skills training. This emotional impact in turn affects one's relational health and idea of relational health, such as secure attachment, community, family boundaries, friendships, and intimate relationships (Kolk, 2015). The speakers’ goal is to relay to the audience a deeper understanding of trauma and how having an understanding of it greatly impacts the victims served and gives them the understanding they both need and deserve.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss trauma's impact on development and three types of trauma common to victims of sex trafficking: acute, chronic, and complex trauma

·  Outline the trauma responses (fight, flight, freeze, fawn) and the varying implications each has

·  Explain the healing needs (physical, emotional and relational) and treatment approaches for each area

About the Presenters