Sex Trafficking, Mental Health, and Addiction: A Survivor Story

Renee Jones, MS | September 25 | 10:00-11:00 AM

Topic: Experience | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Reconnecting back to life after selling your body to different people isn’t easy. Renee Jones survived human trafficking, and she will share her life story on how she got in it and how she got out. Renee will explain using role play and a short film on how the police handle her as well as other victims. Renee will break down the names that pimps, tricks, and the law enforcement use on the streets. Renee will breakdown the tricks that are used on social media with something as simple as a flattering comment on Facebook. Renee has documents from 1983 to 1987 from the courts of New York City to Cleveland, Ohio of each of her human trafficking cases that she would like to explain how victims are handle, charged, and booked for human trafficking. Renee will conclude the presentation with the grooming process, how and why pimps use their women to hunt other girls for them, and how pimps build trust and chip you away from other relationships.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the survivor's lived experience

·  Describe ways a person would get into and out of human trafficking

·  Present court documents from three states showing how each state handled human trafficking cases

About the Presenter